AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT for Rachael Orman

Today I am spotlighting a wonderful new author Rachael Orman.  When I read her first book, I was addicted to her style of writing.  She took a young girl and put her in a situation that could only be described as the worst this world had to offer and allowed us readers to see her through the journey.  I was blessed to have been able to talk to Rachael about her book and we have since developed a friendship that I will cherish forever.
She agreed to answer some of my questions I had about her style of writing and what inspired her to give us Gwen, Cole and McKayla, all three so different yet so endearing.  They don’t have the conventional relationship but all three are willing to go against the norm and find their way in life.  Rachael not only writes to inspire the reader, she lives her life in a way to inspire her family and friends.  I am so proud of her work and I look forward to the release of the next book in this series.  I was given the honor of reading Yearning Absolution, which is expected to be released in October, and I was amazed at the transformation these three characters took.
Rachael shows us how Gwen was determined to make her dreams come true with the two people in her life that meant the most, yet she also had to accept a few dreams that she didn’t even know she had.  I was actually brought to tears and begging for the next chapters in a few places because I just had to know what life was going to hand her next.  It was intense, emotional and inspiring to see her manage her way through the evilness that continued to haunt her.  Her bravery and fierce determination never let her down though.
I now present Rachael Orman, the author of Yearning Devotion.
Who is your favorite author? Why?
I have many authors that I love. There is so many. But if i was pressured to pick only one. I would have to go with Abby Glines. Why do I love her? Because she is the creator of my #1 Book Boyfriend (which is no easy feat). Rush. *sigh* I have read many books but so far I haven’t found anyone that is quite as amazing as him in my mind. In fact, in my dream world, readers would fall in love with Cole the way I fell in love with Rush.
What inspired you to become an author?
I can’t say that there was ever a moment when I ‘decided’ to become an author. I spoke with an author for a book review I was doing and she was so amazing and friendly it made me start writing down the characters in my head that would literally wake me up at night. I wasn’t initially going to share my writing with anyone. But I had a few friends that were very supportive and eventually I shared my first book, Yearning Devotion.
How do you come up with your ideas?
I’m a people watcher. I think that’s where I get a lot of my ideas from. Sometimes they just come to me. There is no specific route that I take to get an idea though.
Are your characters inspired by real people or completely your own creation?
I think they are a mixture. I tend to put one characteristic from myself into my characters but other characters are completely unique. I can’t say there is any character that takes after someone specific though.
Do you like writing male or female characters better? Why?
Female. I don’t know that I would be able to take on the full personality of a male character and be able to write from a first person point of view as I am not a male. Sadly, I’ve read a few books where authors attempted it and it didn’t read well to me. Maybe one day, but not today 🙂
Do you have a special place you like to write?
I write at my computer that is in my living room where I can watch my girls. Although I get most of my writing done late at night when they are asleep and I can focus more. Although I have been known to carry a notebook and pen with me pretty much anywhere I go in case inspiration strikes and I need to get an idea down right away. I think the oddest place I have written was in a doctor office waiting room, but I think I ended up completely deleting that scene anyway.
Your series Yearning Devotion and Yearning Absolution tackle some pretty dark and deep emotions and events.  What inspired you to write such books?
I think I was just inspired by life. Life is hard. Everyone has their own story to tell. There is very few people who have had an easy life so although readers might not have a connection with the actual hardship Gwen went through, I think most people can relate to having something in their past that changed the way they viewed life.
Gwen is such a strong lady.  Was it difficult to write her as such a survivor or did she demand to be developed as such?
Gwen develops quite a bit through the books. She learns a few lessons about life, love and even more about hardship. She thought she had learned all there was to learn about life.. but she found she still had a few things life to learn.
McKayla is not only Gwen’s best friend, but also her lover.  I am so curious about her.  She had a horrible past as Gwen did but she is full of love not hatred and revenge.  What would you like us readers to know about McKayla?
McKayla is a hard ball busting lady. But as much as Gwen needs McKayla in her life, McKayla needs Gwen. We don’t get a lot about McKayla in the books, but she is just as desperate to find love and feel loved and needed in someones life. In Yearning Absolution, we see a bit of a different side from McKayla but we also see that she is a softy for Gwen and would do anything for her as well.
Cole appears to be so handsome and supportive.  I am not sure many men would agree to the terms of the relationship like he did.  What is Cole really thinking about Gwen and McKayla?
Cole has had many ‘normal’ relationships. He always preferred to keep his women out of the spot light because that kind of attention can change a person. He didn’t want women on his arm that just wanted attention from  the media, he wanted women who wanted him for who he was. His wife was just the worse and most ‘permanent’ woman in his life. He himself had been through horrible breakups and pain. He figured since the ‘normal’ relationships that worked for so many people never seemed to work for him, it couldn’t hurt to try something different.
When you see the current events in the world and see how they can be compared to your books, does it affect your writing and how you see the story you are creating?
I think if anything some of the horrors we see in the news make me want to write most tragic stories. I think writing is a way to bring attention to subjects that others might avoid because it isn’t something pretty. But some subjects still need to be thought about even if unpleasant to help prevent them from occurring in our lives or that of someone we love.
You write about survivors of horrible situations.  How has your past experiences in life help you create survivors in your books?  Do you see a bit of yourself in Gwen and McKayla when they move past their struggles to search for happiness?
I have had a life full of trials and tribulations. I do draw on some of my past experiences to relate to how my characters might be feeling or reacting to a situation, but each character really is their own person in my mind (as crazy as that may make me sound) because there is certainly reactions that my characters have that I would not personally have. Plus, I think in the end we are all searching for happiness.. finding what truly makes us happy in a world so filled with sadness and hate.
 What message would you like the readers to walk away with after finishing your series?  Do you write to entertain or are you trying to send a message?
I want my readers to come away feeling like they have and a friend that has been through some really hard things in life, but didn’t give up. This friend pushed and struggled and cried and fought to get through her misery and eventually to find happiness in life. I think I write to entertain but also to send a message. The Yearning Series was a bit dark but to me there is important messages to be found within the nitty-gritty of the story. Love, Hope, Never Give Up, Keep your head up – Life gets better… Lastly, I want people to know that rape is a horrible thing and to always help those in need.
Yearning Devotion Purchase Link
Book Summary
Gwen has lived a hard life. She has endured many situations that would have broken a weaker person. But she has found love in her life and it keeps her from completely losing it when things get rough. That is, until one day a man enters her life that changes everything.Will this man help Gwen become a stronger woman or will he completely destroy her?**This is an erotic book with F/F, F/F/M, M/F situations and not intended for people under 18**
My Review of Yearning Devotion
About the Author
Rachael is a stay at home mom with 2 young daughters and a husband that keep her constantly on her toes. She lives in the extremely hot state of Arizona, where she reads and writes away the blistering heat outside. She is a cancer survivor with a quirky personality. She’s been an avid reader for as long as she can remember and been writing since she was in high school. Her hopes of being a writer were crushed when she was young but one day she decided she was going to do what makes her happy and that was to write.

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