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This is book four of the Forever Series.  I will admit I have not read the first three books, but before I was even done with this one, I was at Amazon one clicking books one through three.  So I can say, that you can pick up book four and read it and not be confused about the story line because it was very well explained as she went.

Book summary:  From the moment Nolan Pratt walked into Alexa Arnold’s life everything was forever changed. After a year of dating, the ring was on her finger, the house was purchased, and life was heading down Pleasantville Lane. Everything was perfect. Or so they thought. With help from his parent’s inheritance, Nolan takes on a new business adventure, utilizing all his free time. What was once their life- carefree with minimal responsibilities, is no more. When Alexa starts to feel the pressure from school, wedding planning, and lack of help from Nolan, exhaustion kicks in and feelings get hurt, testing the strength of their relationship. But, if there is one thing that Nolan will never compromise, it’s Alexa’s happiness. There’s nothing Nolan Pratt won’t do to make sure Alexa is well taken care of, loved, and happy. When Nolan’s past resurfaces- a past that Alexa didn’t know existed- will it all be too much? Will Nolan’s devotion to Alexa’s happiness cost him their relationship and lose him the only thing that has ever mattered in his life? Or will Nolan discover that his past doesn’t determine his future and he is worth the happiness he doesn’t think he deserves?

My review:  

This was a great book.  I was so absorbed with the book I read the whole 296 pages in one day.  I couldn’t put it down.  The first half of the book made me concerned that this was going to be a fluff book, all happily ever after and no angst or conflict, but by the time I went into the second half of the book, I understood why it was written like this.  The author did an outstanding job at bringing us along in Alexa and Nolan’s most personal celebrations and the most tragic and heart wrenching traumas.

The story flows perfectly, the characters are strong and what I loved most was the one with the most baggage and who could be considered the victim was the Nolan.  Alexa was one of the strongest female characters I have ever seen in a book.  This story reminded me of second chances, love and forgiveness, not only from those in your past but forgiving yourself as well.

I shed tears, laughed and said awwww more times than I could count today while reading this book.  I am certainly going to go back and read the first three books in this series as I just need to know more about these characters.  I think it is pretty remarkable that I have already become attached to Alexa and Nolan, and so excited to know that there is more just waiting for me to pick up.

Pick up the whole series at Amazon


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More About the Author

Ashley Wilcox


Some may consider me a jack of all trades, but I consider myself well rounded. I’ve waitressed, styled hair, answered phones and, most recently, worked full time as mom to my two beautiful little boys.Then there was this book…Everyone and their brother started talking about this book series titled Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James. I didn’t really pay attention to the craze at first, since I wasn’t a big reader- okay, I didn’t read at all. But curiosity got the best of me, so I downloaded it to my kindle.I was immediately hooked. I read the whole series in three days. Yes, three books in three days.I kept finding all these great books that I HAD to read (just ask my credit card!).Then I started hearing voices. Voices that turned into stories; stories that were begging to get out of my head.I started writing them down on scraps of paper. Then I transferred them to my computer. Before I knew it, Planning on Forever was born.The voices in my head are still talking, so I’m still writing.
JBJ says
5 Hearts rating

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